Thursday, 27 December 2012

In Progress! A microscopic examination of the Board of Directors of Alpha University

A microscopic examination of the Board of Directors of the degree mill known as "Alpha University."

We have previously written about the degree mill known as "Alpha University," which "issues" (in other words...sells) fake, non-accredited doctorates in hypnosis (see We will soon provide an analysis of the scam artists who are allegedly affiliated with this organization, with particular interest on those who falsely purport to have earned a degree. There are a lot of people involved in this scam! Stay tuned!

Conrad Adams

Conrad Adams of Baton Rouge, LA is the next to find his way into our walk of shame. We found him by accident when we were tipped off about some other individuals who we previously wrote about. Conrad, who poses on the left as the Dos Equis man, claims to have a Doctorate in Natural Medicine and a PhD in Behavior Science with a major in hypnotherapy. Of course, he doesn't state FROM WHERE he earned these so-called degrees.

This fraud claims to be the vice-president of the International Medical & Dental Hypnotherapy Association (although their website make no mention of a vice-president, or even a president and, if somehow he is the vice-president, he is violating their own so-called Code of Ethics by fraudulently misrepresenting himself. But who's checking?). He is also the founder and Dean of an unaccredited "university" called Alpha University, which delivers fake PhD credentials to other con artists from his one room suite located in an office building in Baton Rouge, LA (See for more information about "Alpha University"). Adams' wife happens to be the "Dean of Admissions."

I am willing to bet that he earned his "degree" from Alpha University.

Jenifer Debosier

Records show that Jenifer Debosier is really Jenifer-Debosier Adams. Looks like she's related to Conrad Adams and Steven Adams.  
 We also find that Jenifer claims to have a (bogus) Doctor of Natural Medicine:

Scott Sandland
We have written extensively about Sandland, owner of the blog site HypnoThoughts. He has not falsely claimed to have earned a doctorate. However, his support of those who do is appalling. We understand that Sandland is financially motivated to create hypnosis training programs. His association with such individuals to present at these trainings, and his membership on this so-called board, only clarifies his intention to perpetuate the use of fake doctorates.
Roger Moore
Roger Moore of Roger Moore's Counseling and Hypnotherapy of Bainbridge Island, WA, claims to have earned a "Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy." Readers of this blog KNOW that there is no such thing, yet he holds legitimate undergraduate and master's degrees. Why would somebody with a solid set of degrees, and from what we're told, is apparently a nice guy, want to tarnish his name and profession with false credentials such as a fake PhD? We have been unable to find a single reference as to where his "PhD" was earned but since we know that there are no accredited PhD programs in Clinical Hypnotherapy, we affirm that Mr. Moore's is fraudently asserting that he holds a PhD. We hope that this person will reconsider his use of the terms "Doctor" or PhD."

Roger Moore is a member of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association, the International Association of Counselors and Therapists and the International Hypnosis Federation.

The above screen shot shows Healthy Life Centers, owned by Mark Barrus of Fountain View, CA, featuring Roger Moore as "Dr. Roger Moore." The question is, who is deceiving who? Is Mark Barrus deceiving the public into believing that this hypnotist, whom he will receive commission from every client that he refers to Roger Moore, really holds a doctorate? Or is Roger Moore deceiving Mark Barrus? Or does it even matter. The public is being deceived no matter which way you look at it.

Steven E. Adams, J.D.
He really is a lawyer. We assume that Steven Adams is related to Conrad Adams and Jenifer Debosier-Adams. I wonder how he feels, having earned a bonafide juris doctorate, about "Alpha University" giving away phony doctorates.

 Deborah Broussard

Rong Seng-Cheng

David Li-Wei Ho

Gilbert Wong

John S. Jester

Anthony G. Ziagos


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